Well, our little miss is getting bigger and bigger! My Dad just told me the other day that if a human continues to grow at the rate it does in the womb, you'd be the size of a battleship by the time you were 1... Crazy! I'm now 22 weeks along (!) which means she is about 9 or 10 inches from head to foot and weighs a whole pound!!! It still blows me away that she'll weigh at least 6 times more than that by the time she enters this world!
She is definitely practicing her ballet or soccer or something, she kicks like crazy and it's so precious! Just the other night Kyle was complaining because he hadn't felt her in three days and then she kicked him HARD! She must've heard him...She's already a Daddy's girl, doing what she can to make him happy! Although in a few years it probably won't be kicking him that makes him happy. :)
I am showing much more now. I still have yet to have someone offer me their seat on the Subway (one of the things I'm most looking forward to while pregnant, not gonna lie) but maybe that will happen soon.
Now that we know we're having a girl I'm starting to think of what to do for the nursery. Things are a tad complicated being that we won't move until 3 weeks before I'm due and we have no idea where we'll be moving, so I'm not sure what the space will look like to start with. But I'd like to start getting ideas on concepts and key pieces that will hopefully work in any space. One thing is for certain, Kyle and I both do not care for really "baby" looking nurseries, so whatever we pick, it will just flow with the rest of our apartment, and have our same sense of style... Oh the possibilities! There also seem to be so many things that you "need" when you have a child, which I'm trying my best to really decipher what we actually WILL need and what we can do without. That's one of the perks about living in NYC is that there is limited space, so whatever you have, you better really need/use it! I like it that way though. We've never liked clutter so it's a great excuse for cutting back. And honestly...millions of people have had babies before all the "must have" items were ever invented! :)
That being said: If you had to pick your top three baby products that made life with baby so much better, what would they be? I'd LOVE to have any inside tips before we attempt to tackle the baby registering process!!! :)
I'll leave you with a few snapshots of my growing belly from this week!

Xoxo Hannah